FETSAC ’15 – Mas Allá del Objeto / Beyond the Object | Call for Papers



A Coruña School of Architecture Festival ‘FETSAC’ was born from a group of students who decided to create a cultural event that would alter the usual perception that all students had of their own school. 2009’s “Circo” edition was the result of their creation.

The initial effort made by those students has been rewarded with the continuation of the event through the years. ‘PsicoFETSAC’ ‘Re’, ‘This is tomorrow’, ‘Who’s ready for FETSAC?’ and ‘FETSAC’14’ have been the following editions, whose activities -lectures, debates, workshops…- have always been framed in a topic where architects and other collectives are invited to participate.

The secret and freshness of the festival is that every year a different group of students moved by similar concerns take charge of its organization, arranging and managing every single detail of the festival. This is why its concept has evolved over time, so we cannot define FETSAC only as a collective or a cultural week, but as an optimistic, innovative, critical and experimental attitude. A refreshing way of living architecture out of the academic establishments.

FETSAC starts again, in its seventh edition, always bearing the aim to consolidate as one of the references within the yearly cultural scene of A Coruña School of Architecture (ETSAC). The festival will take place between 23rd and 27th March 2015 (before Easter holiday).

For the third time, FETSAC opens an enrollment period in which both lecturers and activity tutors can introduce their proposals and join the rest of the contents. The call is intended for students, teachers or professionals of any discipline that can provide students with experiences that are not present in daily life. In short, and continuing with our principles, FETSAC is looking for people who love what they do, and also want to share it with us. You can send your proposal until 14th December 2014.

For further information check out the issu.

To participate, fill out the online form on the official FETSAC page.

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